Stephen Hawking Dead on Pi Day
The “Stephen Hawking” character is nothing but a pile of steaming bullshit.
Noteworthy – 113 is the 30th prime number. Stephen Hawking has died on NBA MVP Steph Curry’s 30th birthday.
Hawking is famous for his supposed contributions to physics and cosmology, mostly the theoretical side. I’m not going to pretend I’m familiar with his work, because I’m not, but I’m of the belief that those sciences are largely rooted in hypothesis and thought experiments that have not necessarily led to a better understanding of the universe.
Today is the 73rd day of the year
Stephen Hawking’s date of death is listed as 3/14, Pi Day. Pi is the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet.
1283 is the 208th prime number
This Pi Day has a life lesson number of 28
But let’s not overlook the fact that the news broke late on 3/13 in the United States, aligning with the city he is said to have died in:
313 is the 65th prime number:
He died 65 days after his last birthday
Recall how yesterday, the big news was the firing of Rex Tillerson:
While Trump was off in:
The most recent Super Bowl was won by the team from:
It was the 52nd Super Bowl, played in 2018.
He died from:
The 52nd prime number is 239
Cambridge is on the 52nd parallel
He died 38 days after the Super Bowl

In regards to him dying on Pi day, you have to appreciate the gematria of Cambridge, where he died.
His final publication was a children’s book named:
His first popular book was A Brief History of Time, published in ’88
The subtitle of the book was “From the Big Bang to Black Holes”
Hawking was born on a date with a life lesson number of 25
88 is connected to the number 69
Pi is 3.14, and 3 × 14 = 42. Hawking was born in ‘42. The 42nd prime number is 181
And he died at the age of 76
As for the third mathematical cipher:
337 is the 68th prime number. Hawking died from:
Lou Gehrig died in June of 1941. Measuring from his death to Stephen Hawking’s date of birth:
With the news breaking late Tuesday here in the United States, the site of the two total solar eclipses that make an “X” on the map a total of the 360th prime number of days apart, this measures up nicely to the second eclipse:
He died from:
317 is the 66th prime numberIncluding the end date, Hawking died 66 days after his birthday.
Dying within a day of the firing of:
Hawking was born in Oxford, England
Stephen Hawking has double gematria of 212