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Death of Erland Van Lidth De Jeude (1987)

Erland Van Lidth De Jeude played the character Dynamo in the film The Running Man

"Erland Van Lidth De Jeude" = 90 (Full Reduction)

"Dynamo" = 90 (Reverse Ordinal)

Numbers of Sacrifice

Blood sacrifice shares gematria with The Running Man

Blood Sacrifice = 67 & 86, The Running Man = 67 & 68

His full name was Erland Philip Peter Van Lidth De Jeude

"Erland Philip Peter Van Lidth De Jeude" = 332 (English Ordinal)

"Blood sacrifice" = 332 (Jewish)

In Ordinal, blood sacrifice sums to 121

"Blood sacrifice" = 121 (English Ordinal)

He died exactly 1 month, 21 days before the film was released:1 Month, 21 Days

This also converts to a span of 7 weeks, 3 days:7 Weeks, 3 Days

"Sacrifice" = 73 (English Ordinal)

"Ritual sacrifice" = 73 (Full Reduction)

Birth and Death Numerologies

In both Reduction methods, Dynamo, his character in the film, sums  to 27

"Dynamo" = 27 (Full Reduction)"Dynamo" = 27 (Reverse Full Reduction)

He was born on a date with 27 numerology6 + 3 + 1+9+5+3 = 27

"Ritual" = 27 (Full Reduction)

"Erland" = 27 (Full Reduction)

His birthday also had full numerology of 81(6) + (3) + (19) + (53) = 81

"Ritual" = 81 (English Ordinal) "Ritual" = 81 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Van Lidth De Jeude" = 81 (Reverse Full Reduction)

His date of birth in Hilversum, Holland was June 3rd, written 6/03

"Hilversum, Holland" = 603 (Primes)

"Ritual" = 630 (English Extended)

"Van Lidth De Jeude" = 63 (Full Reduction)

The date also had Standard numerology of 62(6) + (3) + (53) = 62

"Sacrifice" = 62 (Reverse Full Reduction)

June 3rd is the 154th day of the year

"Ritual sacrifice" = 154 (English Ordinal)
It’s said he weighed 154 kg (see below)

It’s the date that leaves 211 days in the year

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 211 (English Ordinal)

This phrase sums to 911 in Satanic gematria

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 911 (Satanic)

He wound up dying on a date with Standard numerology of 119(9) + (23) + (87) = 119

Birthplace & Profile

Van Lidth De Jeude was born in Hilversum, Netherlands

"Hilversum, Netherlands" = 113 (Reverse Full Reduction)

He died a span of 113 days after his birthday
The Running Man was released on 11/13

The Netherlands is also called Holland
The date he died, September 23rd, is written internationally as 23/9

"Hilversum, Holland" = 239 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Hilversum, Holland" = 193 (English Ordinal)"The Running Man" = 193 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Hilversum, Holland" = 86 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"Blood sacrifice" = 86 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Measuring to his next birthday gives us 254 days:254 Days

"Murder" = 254 (Primes)

De Jeude is said to have weighed 340 pounds:The 6'6" (198 cm), 340-pound (154 kg) wrestler was spotted in the New York Athletic Club by a casting director, which led to his role as the fearsome "Terror", leader of the Fordham Baldies, in the 1979 Philip Kaufman film The Wanderers.

He wound up dying at age 34

"Murder" = 34 (Full Reduction)

The paragraph above says he was 198 centimeters tall.

"Erland Van Lidth De Jeude" = 198 (English Ordinal)

When The Running Man was released, it was 163 days after his birthday:163 Days

163 is the 38th Prime number

Death, Killing, Murder, and RIP all sum to 38 in one of the base ciphers

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