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Comedian Kevin Barnett Dies @ 32

Eclipse Crucifixion Code

Kevin Barnett has 120 / 39 birth numerology, lining up with the Reverse values of eclipse

(8) + (7) + (19) + (86) = 120 & (8) + (7) + 1+9+8+6 = 39

Eclipse = 120 Reverse & 39 Reverse Reduction

His name also syncs up with eclipse in Jewish gematria:

"Kevin Barnett" = 1092 (Jewish)

"Eclipse" = 192 (Jewish)

In this Jewish ciphertotal solar eclipse sums to 704 / 74

"Total solar eclipse" = 704 (Jewish)

"Total solar eclipse" = 74 (Jewish Reduction)

Barnett’s last full day alive was exactly 74 weeks after the most recent total solar ecipse, the Great American one of 2017:74 Weeks, 0 Days

In the Gospels, Jesus is said to have been crucified under an event commonly perceived to be a solar eclipseKevin matches Jesus in Ordinal and Reverse, including the number 74

"Killing" = 74 (English Ordinal)

Jesus & Kevin both = 74 & 61. Jesus = 515 Extended

"Jesus" = 34 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Barnett’s last full day alive had 61 / 34 numerology:(1) + (21) + (20) + (19) = 61 & (1) + (21) + 2+0+1+9 = 34

He died exactly 5 months, 15 days after his birthday:5 Months, 15 Days

August 7, 1986

August 7th is the date that leaves 146 days in the year:

"Jesus Christ" = 146 (Reverse Ordinal)

Barnett is also known for his work on Broad City

Broad City

Barnett died a span of 169 days after his August seventh birthday:169 Days

"August seventh" = 169 (Reverse Ordinal)

169 is 13 squared
Christ’s initials are J.C.

"JC" = 13 (English Ordinal)

Barnett was the co-creator of a television show called Rel. The main main character is played by Lil Rel Howery.

Lil Rel Howery = 162 in Ordinal & Reverse

Barnett died a span of 162 days before the next total solar eclipse162 Days

Rel’s real name is Milton Howery

Milton Howery & Eclipse of the sun both = 177 Ordinal & 69 Reduction

Barnett died in Mexico

Mexico & Eclipse both = 69 and 33

The 69th Prime number is 347

"לְהַקְרִיב (Sacrifice)" = 347 (Hebrew Gematria)

3×47 = 141

"Kevin Barnett" = 141 (English Ordinal)

"Eclipse" = 33 (Full Reduction) "Thirty-three" = 141 (Reverse Ordinal)

Numbers of Sacrifice

Kevin Barnett died at the age of thirty-two years old on January twenty-second, the 22nd day of the year.

Thirty-two years old = 257 & 202. January twenty-second = 257. Total solar eclipse = 202 & 257. Blood sacrifice = 121 & 257

Barnett’s last full day alive was 1/21
257 is the 55th Prime number
Barnett died in Tijuana, Mexico

"Tijuana, Mexico" = 55 (Full Reduction)

"Sacrifice" = 55 (Single Reduction)

Lil Rel Howery has a Life Lesson number of 55(12) + (17) + 1+9+7+9 = 55

Rel and Barnett also share 46 gematria with sacrifice

"Rel" = 46 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Barnett" = 46 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"Sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction)

Barnett’s death fell on a date with Full numerology of 62(1) + (22) + (20) + (19) = 62

"Sacrifice" = 62 (Reverse Full Reduction)

In the Reverse order, Tijuana, Mexico sums to 206

"Tijuana, Mexico" = 206 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Sacrifice" = 206 (Jewish)

Barnett died 6 months, 16 days before his 33rd birthday:6 Months, 16 Days

"Ritual sacrifice" = 616 (Jewish)

See why 33 is a number of sacrifice.(1) + (22) + 1+9 = 33

Rel Alignments

The show Rel has matching gematria with the numerology of the date on which Barnett passed away.

Rel = 35 Ordinal & 17 Reduction

(1) + (22) + 2+0+1+9 = 35 & 1 + 2+2 + 2+0+1+9 = 17

"Kill" = 17 (Full Reduction)

His last full day alive was exactly 17 months after the Great American total solar eclipse:17 Months, 0 Days

"Sacrifice" = 170 (Reverse Ordinal)

The 17th Fibonacci number is 1597

The main character is played by, who was born on the 17th of December.

"Lil Rel Howery" = 1597 (Jewish)

Rel made its television debut on September 9th, which was exactly 135 days before Barnett died of pancreatitis135 Days

"Pancreatitis" = 135 (English Ordinal)

"Pancreatitis" = 555 (Satanic)5×5×5 = 125"Rel" = 125 (English Extended)

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