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Rush Drummer Neil Peart Dies @ 67 From Brain Cancer

Neil Peart (Wiki)

Rush released their final album, Clockwork Angels, on the date 6/12. Notice how the hands on the album’s cover are pointed at 9:12

Neil Peart was born on 9/12

The 2019 total solar eclipse fell a span of 9 months, 21 days after Peart’s birthday:9 Months, 21 Days

"Drummer Neil Peart" = 192 (English Ordinal)

Today’s news falls 192 days after that 2019 eclipse192 Days


During that eclipse, Peart was 66 years old. He then died a span of 6 months, 6 days later:

"Rush" = 66 (English Ordinal)

6 months, 6 days is also 190 days:

"Solar eclipse" = 190 (Reverse Ordinal)

Peart had birth numerology of 199 + 1+2 + 5+2 = 19

Kill = 19 Hebrew Reduction & 244 Hebrew gematria

"Nineteen" = 244 (Jewish)

Peart was in his 24400th day since birth on the date of last year’s total eclipse:24400 Days

The 19th Prime number is 67

Total solar eclipse, Blood sacrifice, and human sacrifice all = 67 in Reduction

"Rush drummer" = 67 (Reverse Reduction)

The Rush drummer died at age 67, in the 118th day of his age:67 Years, 118 Days

118 is found in the values both both Death and Drummer

Death = 38 and 118, Drummer = 38, 118, and 92

Notice how the gematria of drummer lines up with his birth numerology:(9) + (12) + (19) + (52) = 92 and (9) + (12) + 1+9+5+2 = 38

The 38th Prime number is 163

His death fell a span of 163 days after the birthday of Rush frontman Geddy Lee, whose name sums to 67 like Peart’s age:163 Days

"Geddy Lee" = 67 (English Ordinal)

Peart was born on September 12th, the date that leaves 110 days in the year:

Days Left in Year: (Sep-12)

News of his death in Santa Monica was not published until 1/10

"Death" = 110 (Primes)

Santa Monica

“Kill” Code

He died on January 7th, the date written 1/7

Kill = 44 Ordinal & 17 Reduction

He died of brain cancer

Brain, Cancer, and Chemo all sum to 44 in Ordinal

The 44th Prime number is 193

News of his death fell a span of 193 days after the 2019 total eclipse:193 Days

"Brain cancer" = 74 (Reverse Reduction)

Rush’s first album was released on the year ’74, which was 45 years ago:45 Years

Notice the album’s release date, 1/3, like the number 13

"Prog rock" = 103 (English Ordinal)

Thirteen this 45 gematria with drumming

Thirteen and Drumming both = 45, 45, 99, and 117

Neil Peart died 117 days after his birthday and 11 months, 7 days before the next total solar eclipse:

“Sacrifice” Code

You could also say that 2020 is the 46th year since Rush’s first album was released.

"להרוג (to kill)" = 46 (Hebrew Ordinal) "רצח (murder)" = 46 (Hebrew Ordinal)

Neil Peart = 46, Sacrifice = 46 and 73, Ritual sacrifice 73

Peart’s Standard birth numerology was 73(9) + (12) + (52) = 73

His death falls a span of 7 years, 30 weeks after Rush’s final album:7 Years, 30 Weeks, 0 Days

That final album is called Clockwork Angels. Think about that in terms of this man dying, and thus perhaps ascending, by the numbers of time…

"Clockwork Angels" = 1289 (Jewish)

1289 is the 209th Prime number

"Brain cancer" = 209 (Reverse Ordinal)"January seventh" = 209 (Francis Bacon)

Peart had 29 birth numerology:9 + 1+2 + 1+9+5+2 = 29

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