Formation of the United States Space Force
The United States Space Force was formed in the year ‘19.
The 19th Prime number is 67
193 is the 44th Prime number
The Space Force was founded on a date with numerology of 44 and 17:
In the alphabetic order, the number 44 sums to 144, as does the date written 4/4, April fourth.
144 is the inverse of 441, the Ordinal value of NASA’s full name.
441 is 21×21
The date can be written 20/12/19
Why do I mention the twin eclipses? Consider how there are exactly 346 weeks separating the two Great American Total Solar Eclipses:
This is the Reverse value of United States Space Force.
The 248th Prime number is 1571
The formation of the new agency was exactly 35 months (also exactly 152 weeks) into Donald Trump’s presidency:
NASA was founded on a date with Primary numerology of 113:
The Space Force was founded 113 days after the United States Space Command was re-activated: