Simon Fisher-Becker, a.k.a. The Fat Friar From Harry Potter Dies @ 63
Actor Simon Fisher-Becker was perhaps best-known for playing The Fat Friar in the 2001 film Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The movie was released in Simon’s homeland of England a week before it hit theaters in the United States.
The Fat Friar was the ghost of a wizard who used to attend the famous Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Nine Eleven (9/11)
8:46 was the time the first plane struck the World Trade Center during the time of Virgo:
Fisher-Becker even has matching 343 gematria with Eight forty-six.
343 New York firefighters died in the World Trade Center collapse:
The number 911 flipped upside-down is 116, which matches Simon Fisher-Becker’s Primary birth numerology:
He was also known for his role in the BBC television series Puppy Love.
In the United States, the film came out on November 16th, or 11/16:
Daniel Radcliffe was born on a date with Standard numerology of 119:
Radcliffe’s July 23rd birthday is the same date that Freemasonry celebrates the heliacal rising of Sirius. Sirius is a a Twin star system, reminding us of the Twin Towers.
The initial theatrical release of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was a week earlier in the United Kingdom on November 10th, or 11/10:
These are important digits to the event. Click the image below or also see this slide to see why:
Construction on the Twin Towers began in the year ’68. The Fat Friar departed on the 68th day of the year:
9-1-1 is the emergency dialing code in the United States. In Great Britain, it’s 1-1-2.
The Pi Code
On the same date as the 9/11 attacks, the book Life of Pi was published:
Philosopher’s Stone hit theaters on the 314th day of the year:
The Pi code is highly relevant because of the Total lunar eclipse that falls on Pi Day, or 3/14 later this week.
Total lunar eclipse has matching 1218 gematria with Simon Fisher-Becker, The Fat Friar.
J.K. Rowling / Other Notes
George W. Bush, a member of Yale Skull and Bones, was the U.S. President at the time.