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Today’s White House Incident Synced to Life of Pi Actor Irrfan Khan

Secret Service shoots man in overnight 'armed confrontation' near White House

This is Part 1 of a two-part post on this massive Pi riddle:

Life of Pi was published on the same day as the September 11th terror attacks:

Pi begins with 3.14

The shooting was exactly 314 Sidereal months after Life of Pi was published on 9/11/2001:

In the book’s film adaptation, the adult version of main character Pi Patel was played by actor Irrfan Khan.

Today’s incident fell 4 years, 314 days (or 1776 days) since Irrfan Khan died:

The United States was formed in 1776
1776 is the first multiple of 888

"Three point one four" = 888 (Latin)

Irrfan Khan has matching gematria with Andre Dawson.

Irrfan Khan and Andre Dawson both = 170, 55, and 62

Khan was exactly 505 weeks old when Dawson played his first MLB game:

"Three hundred and fourteen" = 505 (Capitals Mixed)

Khan was born in 1967

Dawson was drafted by the Montreal Expos, who were named after the World’s Fair in 1967 – the 67 Expo in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Kamala Harris

Irrfan Khan was born in India and died there from complications of cancer in 2020. Check out my post on that from when it happened.

A few months later, Kamala Harris, who is of Indian heritage, was selected as Joe Biden’s running mate and became the Vice President the following January.

We are currently in the time of Pisces. Khan portrayed the main character Piscine Molitor “Pi” Patel.

"Piscine Molitor Pi Patel" = 810 (Latin)

Kamala Harris was born a span of 810 days before Irrfan Khan:

Andre Dawson was 25,810 days old when Andrew Dawson was shot:

Kamala Harris was born on the same exact day that Herbert Hoover died:

Hoover was the president who made the Star-Spangled Banner the official national anthem of the United States.

314 is the 248th Composite number

Like Hillary Clinton, who was also defeated by Donald Trump, Kamala was trying to become the First woman president. She may have been, had the Trump assassination attempt been successful.

First woman president, Trump assassination, and First woman president all = 248 Ordinal

Kamala was exactly 248 Mercurial years old when Trump was shot:

"Hermes" = 248 (Standard)

Greek equivalent of Mercury

March 9th fell 248 years, 248 days after the United States was founded:

Irrfan Khan was 248 days after his birthday for Dawson’s first MLB game, and a span of 248 days after it when Life of Pi was published:

Trump’s last birthday was on America’s first Plutonian birthday. It takes Pluto ~248 years to orbit the Sun. On 24/8 of the year 2006, the designation of Pluto was changed to a dwarf planet, with the numerical designation 134340 being assigned:

The shooting was also 34340 days after the Star-Spangled Banner became the National anthem:

Six six six (666)

Today has Primary numerology of 57:(3) + (9) + (20) + (25) = 57

Six sixty six and Triple sixes both = 57

National anthem = 57 and 445

It’s been 445 weeks since Colin Kaepernick first kneeled for the National anthem:

It’s also been 4 years, 45 weeks (or 1776 days) since Irrfan’s death:

Star Spangled Banner = 1776 Reverse Sumerian and 666 Latin

Irrfan Khan was 112,666 days old when Life of Pi was published:

Mathematics of the circle and Mathematical perfection both = 666 Latin

"Pi Day Eclipse" = 666 (Latin)

Kamala Harris was 666 months, 9 days old when Irrfan passed away:

Today is 6 weeks, 6 days before Kamala turns 60 years, 6 months, 6 days old.

Kamala was 1,666 weeks, 6 days old for Dawson’s last game:

The 1666th Composite number is 1964
Harris was born in 1964

Recall how the assassination attempt on Trump was during July of ’24, or 7/24.

"Number of the Beast" = 724 (Latin)

Now, Kamala is 724 months old:

Sahabzade Irfan Ali Khan and Six six six both = 1197, Six six six and Washington DC both = 2127

Two Twenty-Seven (227)

Twenty two divided by seven = 314 Ordinal

"Three hundred sixty" = 227 (Ordinal)

Donald Trump was 20 years, 207 days old when Irrfan was born:

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris were born exactly 227 Lunar phases (or 220 months, 7 days) apart:

Kamala Harris will be 22007 days old on Inauguration Day:

227 is the 49th Prime number

Today is President Trump’s 49th day in office:

Twin Towers and Skull & bones both = 49

The 49th Triangular number is 1225

Andre Dawson and Irrfan Khan were born 12 years, 25 weeks apart:

The Secret Service shooting was 1225 weeks after 9/11:

1225 is the 35th Square number

Khan was 3535 days old for Dawson’s MLB debut:

Irrfan Khan would currently be 3035 weeks old:

The shooting happened outside of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Building.

"Dwight David Eisenhower" = 335 (Reverse)

March 9th fell 3 years, 3 months, 5 days after the 2021 Total Eclipse and 335 days after the last one in 2024:

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