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Tony Bennett Retirement Also Synced to Michael Jackson

Virginia coach Tony Bennett chokes back tears explaining decision to retire: 'It was time'

This is my second of two posts on this story.

The quoted phrase It was time has matching 124 gematria with University of Virginia.

"It was time" = 124 (Reverse)

"University of Virginia" = 124 (Reverse Reduction)

Michael Jackson was born on the date leaving 124 days in the year:

"Michael Jackson" = 124 (Ordinal)

Michael Jackson shares an August 29th birthday with Liam Payne, the member of One Direction who just died.

Michael Jackson = 254 and University of Virginia = 2504

Tony Bennett’s most famous song came out a span of 1,254 days after Jackson was born:

The last name Bennett matches Michael’s full name.

Bennett and Michael Joseph Jackson both = 80 and 109

"King of Pop" = 109 (Ordinal)

The Phallic Riddle

Michael Jackson was known for grabbing at his Phallus:

"Phallus" = 1054 (Reverse Standard)

Tony Bennett retired exactly 1054 months after Pope Francis was born:

"Tony Bennett" = 154 (Ordinal)

Ritual sacrifice, Saturnalia, and Argentina all = 154

Jordan Love was born 154 days after Tony Bennett’s birthday:

Tony Bennett = 539 Satanic and Phallus = 539 Standard

America’s Phallus (Florida) was struck by Hurricane Milton on Yale’s 323rd anniversary.

Fourteen pieces of Osiris = 323 Caps Added and Reverse

Tony Bennett was born exactly 323 Lunar phases after Dick and 323 days before his birthday:

Tony was the head coach for the Virginia Cavaliers, which have matching 89 gematria with Phallus and Osiris.

Virginia and Virginia Cavaliers both = 89

Phallus and Osiris both = 89 Ordinal

Tony Bennett was born 89 days before Michael Jackson’s birthday:

Michael Jackson

Tony Bennett coached for 18 seasons

Dick was 81 years, 180 days (or exactly 1008 Lunations) old when his son Tony retired:

Dick = 81 and 18

Venus = 81 and 18

Tony retired exactly 818 Lunations after Michael Jackson was born:

Dick Bennett was 818 Lunar phases old when Jackson died:

The day before Tony retired was a span of 292 days before the singer’s birthday. The day after he retired was the 292nd day of a leap year.

"King of Pop" = 292 (Latin)

The King of Pop died just one day after modern Freemasonry turned 292 years old:

Dick Bennett was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Bennett = 292, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania = 292 and 2062

Jackson’s birthplace of Gary, Indiana has very similar gematria.

Gary Indiana = 592 and 922

Six six six (666)

"Virginia Cavaliers" = 1764 (Latin)

1764 is the 42nd Square number

In the Book of Revelation, the Beast rules for 42 months. Two thousand nineteen = 4002 (Squares)

"Jesuit" = 42 (Reverse Reduction)

The New Testament begins with the 42 generations to Jesus.

New and New Testament both = 42

The Packers were founded during Brown Lunation # -42:

Michael Jackson had Reduced birth numerology of 42:8 + 2+9 + 1+9+5+8 = 42

Liam Payne was born exactly 420 months after Michael Jackson:

Tony Bennett was born 42 days after his father’s Birthday:

"Birthday" = 42 (Reduction)

The singer Tony Bennett was 42 years old when the coach Tony Bennett was born:

Retire = 42 and 87 Reverse

Jorge Bergoglio was 870 months of age when Michael Jackson died:

"Michael Jackson" = 870 (Latin)

Francis is now 87 years of age:

Six six six and Number of the Beast both = 87

Richard A. Bennett was a span of 66 years, 67 days old when Michael Jackson died:

In Satanic, Richard A. Bennett and The Jesuit Order both = 667

Michael Jackson would have been exactly 66 years, 7 weeks old when Tony called it quits:

Francis became the Pope 18,667 days after I Left My Heart…

This is also 2,666weeks, 6 days

More Notes

Liam Payne was a span of 10919 days old when Tony Bennett died:

The Green Bay Packers were founded in 1919 on the date 8/11:

811 is the 141st Prime number
8/11 leaves 142 days in the year:

In Ordinal, Richard Bennett = 141 and Richard A Bennett = 142

"San Francisco California" = 141 (Reverse Reduction)

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