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Michigan Shooting – The 2024 Eclipse and The Moon (666)

Multiple injured, including child, 8, in 'random' Michigan splash pad shooting: sheriff's dept: 'Gut punch'

This is my second of two posts on this story.

Eclipse Code

"Total eclipse" = 187 (Reverse)

Next week will be exactly 1807 Sidereal months after Adolf Hitler was born:

"Adolf Hitler" = 187 (Reverse)

It’s been 1187 weeks since the attacks of 9/11:

The state of Michigan is 187 years, 4 months, 20 days old:

Hitler was born on April 20th, or 4/20:

"National Socialist German Workers Party" = 420 (Latin Ordinal)

Adolf Hitler has matching 303 gematria with Michigan. The random attack happened at the Splash Pad, which has matching 33 gematria with Nazis.

Adolf Hitler and Michigan both = 303

Splash Pad and Nazis both = 33

"National Socialist German Workers Party" = 3030 (Reverse Sumerian)

Kobe was born 33 years after Hitler died:

"Kobe" = 33 (Ordinal)

This is a significant Eclipse number.

"Eclipse" = 33 (Reduction)

The shooting was on the date 15/6

Eclipse, Eclipse of the Sun, and Eclipse the Sun all = 69

"Nazis" = 69 (Ordinal)

"Hitler" = 69 (Latin Ordinal)

The incident fell a span of 69 days after the Great American Eclipse and 69 days (or 9 weeks, 6 days) before Gretchen’s next birthday:

Splash Pad and Whitmer both = 96, Nazis = 960

The violence in Michigan was a span of exactly 960 weeks after Kobe’s 666th game:

Six six six (666)

Kobe’s 666th career game was the best of his entire career, as he scored the second-highest number of points in a single game in NBA history.

"Hitler" = 666 (Reverse Standard)

Kobe died 999 Sidereal months (or a span of 27300 days) after Hitler:

"Six hundred and sixty six" = 273 (Reverse)

September 11th, 2001 was 273 months before the shooting in Michigan:

Kobe died at the age of 497 months, 3 days. 4973 is the 666th Prime number.

In Latin, Six hundred sixty six = 2038, Six hundred and sixty six = 2083, and The Moon = 283

Hitler died 28833 days before the second Great American Eclipse:

Kobe was born 2380 weeks before the 2024 Eclipse and died 238 weeks before his 2024 birthday:

"Kobe Bryant" = 224 (Capitals Mixed)

"Nazi Party" = 224 (Reverse Caps Mixed)


We are currently in the time of Gemini, which is ruled by the planet Mercury. Kobe and Gretchen were both born on the first day of Virgo, which is the other sign ruled by Mercury.

Michigan is exactly 778 Mercurial years old:

"Splash Pad" = 778 (Trigonal)

The state of Michigan is exactly 2505 Sidereal months old:

The waterpark shooting occurred during Brown Lunation # 1,255:

Whitmer’s kidnapping was foiled exactly 255 Sidereal months after 9/11:

Michigan became the 26th state of the Union during Brown Lunation # -1063 :

The shooting in Rochester Hills happened 1603 days after Kobe Bryant died:

163 is the 38th Prime number

"Germany" = 38 (Reduction)

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