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The 9/11 and 666 Riddles in Craig Counsell’s Move to Chicago

Counsell moving on to manage division-rival Cubs

This is my second of two posts on this managerial change.

Nine-eleven (9/11)

Craig John Counsell was hired on November 6th, or 11/6, an upside-down 911. As previously mentioned Counsell was on base when the Diamondbacks scored their winning run in the World Series just after the 9/11 attacks. Arizona did not return to the Fall Classic until this year, the 119th World Series.

"Craig John Counsell" = 1116 (Sumerian)

He abandoned Brewers owner Mark Attanasio and will be replacing former Cubs manager David Ross.

Attanasio was born a span of exactly 1016 weeks before David Ross:

1109 is the 186th Prime number:

"Craig John Counsell" = 186 (Ordinal)

Counsell left 186 days after the anniversary of his hiring:

David Ross was hired 1086 days after the World Series:

Mark Attanasio just turned 186 months old when the World Trade Center opened:

The 156th Prime number is 911:

"Twin Towers" = 156 (Reverse Caps Added)

Ross got the Cubs job when he was a span of 15560 days of age:

Ross was hired during the 156th week after the Cubs’ World Series in:

Milwaukee and Chicago are separated by I-Ninety four, hence the “I-91 Rivalry.”

I Ninety four and Thirty three both = 156, 141, 66, and 60

Counsell went to the Cubs a span of exactly 1156 weeks after the 9/11 attacks:

Six six six and Triple sixes both = 156 Ordinal

David Ross – The “666” Man

"David Ross" = 666 (Sumerian)

666 is revealed as the number of the Beast in Revelation, where the number 144 is mentioned four times.

David Wade Ross and Six six six both = 144

In Latin, Six six six sums to 144 and 1197.

"Six six six" = 1197 (Latin)

Ross has Multiplicative birth numerology of 11907:3 × 1 × 9 × 1 × 9 × 7 × 7 = 11907

The Cubs hired David Ross as their manager during Brown Lunation # 1197:

"Cubs Brewers" = 1197 (Standard)

6666 days = 2440 Lunar phases. 666 first appears in Pi at the 2440th decimal digit:

"David Wade Ross" = 2440 (Squares)

6×6×6 = 216

Ross was part of the 2016 World Series team. In fact, he gave the Cubs their 6th run in the 6th inning of Game seven, which led to the most bizarre celebration I’ve ever seen.

Craig Counsell / 666

This 216 now extends to Craig Counsell.

Counsell moved south 2 months, 16 days after his birthday:

It was 216 days after the World Trade Center’s anniversary:

The Brewers currently have 216 wins over the Cubs

Craig Counsell was exactly 31 years, 3 weeks old for 9/11:

Craig John Counsell and Six hundred and sixty six both = 273 Reverse

Attanasio is a span of 4710 days older than Craig Counsell:

Six six six and Revelation both = 471 Satanic

Mark Attanasion was 5,666 days old when the WTC opened:

This reminds me…did NASA pull of a Fake Moon landing with the Apollo program?

National Aeronautics and Space Administration = 666 Reverse, Fake Moon landing = 666 Satanic, Apollo = 666 Fibonacci

While most people think 666 is the number of the Beast, some people actually think it’s 616. Curiously, the Earth has an orbital velocity of 66,616 mph, and 666 Sidereal months is also 616 Lunar phases.

Mark Attanasio was exactly 616 weeks old for the first Moon landing:

“Moon Landing” Riddle

666 is the primary number of the Moon. Before I started teaching about numerology, the time that man first landed on the Moon was thought to be 20:18, although it’s since been reverted to 20:17 for some reason:

The word Moon sums to 218 in Hebrew Gematria:

Counsell was born on the 21st of August, or 21/8 of 1970:

"Moon" = 197 (Satanic)

He has Primary birth numerology of 118, and was raised in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin:(8) + (21) + (19) + (70) = 118

Whitefish Bay Wisconsin and Wisconsin both = 118

Moon landing = 118 and 53, Apollo Eleven = 53

Counsell was hired after a 53 win over the Cubs
Counsell is 53 years old
The next Brewers-Cubs game is on 5/3

Neil Armstrong is said to have first step foot on the lunar surface at 2:56 a.m.

"Six hundred sixty six" = 256 (Latin Ordinal)

Counsell was hired 2560 days after the Cubs won the World Series:

He was first hired by the Brewers 256 days after his birthday:

His first game against his old team will also be 256 days after his birthday:

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