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Willie Perry, aka DJ Casper, Writer of Cha-Cha Slide, Dies @ 58

DJ Casper, Chicagoan who created the ‘Cha Cha Slide,’ dies at 58

DJ Casper’s real name was William Perry Jr. He was from Chicago, Illinois.

There happens to be a famous football player with the name William “the Refrigerator” Perry who led the Chicago Bears to their only Super Bowl championship.

The next Super Bowl is number 58
DJ Casper died at age 58

His death fell on a date with Primary numerology of 58:(8) + (7) + (20) + (23) = 58

Super Bowl 58 falls a span of 58 days after the Refrigerator’s birthday:

DJ Casper wrote the famous Cha Cha Slide, which is famously played at weddings. A famous city for weddings in Las Vegas, which hosts Super Bowl 58 in February of next year:

William Perry Jr. died a span of 189 days before Super Bowl 58:

William Perry Jr = 189 and 189

DJ Casper was a span of exactly 1078 weeks old when the Bears won the Super Bowl:

"Bears" = 178 (Latin)

Super Bowl has matching 131 gematria with Ritual human sacrifice.

Super Bowl and Ritual human sacrifice both = 131

DJ Casper died 131 days (or a span of 132) before the Refrigerator’s birthday:

Super Bowl XX was played on a date with Primary numerology of 132:(1) + (26) + (19) + (86) = 132

The date was 1/26. The Refrigerator was exactly 1206 weeks old. Super Bowl 58 will be 1 month, 26 days after his birthday.

Super Bowl Shuffle

While DJ Casper was known for the Cha-Cha Slide, the Refrigerator was no stranger to music videos either. During their championship season, William Perry appeared alongside some other teammates in a music video called the Super Bowl Shuffle.

DJ Casper was born in 1965

He passed away 1965 weeks after the Super Bowl Shuffle came out:

Cha-Cha Slide has matching gematria with Super Bowl Shuffle.

Cha Cha Slide and Super Bowl Shuffle both = 73 and 224

DJ Casper was 20 years, 240 days old when the Super Bowl Shuffle was released:

Super Bowl LVIII will be played in 2024. The Super Bowl Shuffle came out in 1985.

Super Bowl LVIII falls exactly 1985 weeks (or 13,895 days) after Super Bowl XX:

In Latin, Ritual human sacrifice = 895 and Ritual sacrifice = 616

The Refrigerator = 616 Latin and 173 Ordinal

DJ Casper died 173 days before the anniversary of The Refrigerator’s title:

This points us to the riddle below involving Yale University.

"Yale University" = 173 (Reverse)

Metonic cycle

Whether you write out William “the Refrigerator” Perry, or simply William Perry, you get a 163 in one of the base methods.

William the Refrigerator Perry and William Perry both = 163

163 is the 38th Prime number

The word for Moon sums to 38 in Hebrew Ordinal:

This year’s Super Bowl falls 38 years after Super Bowl XX:

38 years is two Metonic cycles, as each one is Nineteen years long.

Nineteen = 244 Latin, William the Refrigerator Perry = 2440 Standard

DJ Casper died 24 weeks, 4 days before the game’s anniversary:

The Cha-Cha Slide was released a span of 244 days after the anniversary of the Super Bowl Shuffle:

The Super Bowl Shuffle was officially credited to the Chicago Bears Shufflin’ Crew.

"Chicago Bears Shufflin Crew" = 235 (Ordinal)

The Metonic cycle has 235 Lunar phases

August 7th was 23 years, 5 days after the Cha-Cha Slide was released:

DJ Casper died a span of 235 days after the Refrigerator’s birthday:

"DJ Casper" = 235 (Primes)

Their birthdays were 23 weeks, 5 days apart:

The Saros cycle has 223 Lunar phases

Skull and Bones

The Moon has a Hebrew value of 223 in Standard Gematria:

Super Bowl LVIII, which caps off the 2023 NFL season, will be played in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas, Nevada sums to 223 in Hebrew gematria:

Here we go again…

"William the Refrigerator Perry" = 2230 (Latin)

Perry Jr. was born 2 years, 23 weeks after Perry:

DJ Casper matches Refrigerator, The Moon, and Skull and Bones.

DJ Casper = 76, 140, and 283, Refrigerator = 76 and 140, The Moon = 283 and Skull and Bones = 76

With Capital letters, DJ Casper has 149 gematria.

"DJ Casper" = 149 (Capitals Mixed)

William Perry was 22,149 days old when Willie Perry died:

Skull and Bones = 202 and 149

Perry died 2 months, 2 days before Yale’s anniversary:

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 202 (Latin Ordinal)

He died on a date with Reduced numerology of 22:8 + 7 + 2+0+2+3 = 22

His death made the news on the date leaving 220 days in the year:News of his death made headlines 62 days before Yale’s anniversary:

Cha-Cha Slide

Casper = 199 Primes and Reverse Caps Mixed

199 is the 46th Prime number

Chicago won the Super Bowl by scoring 46 points, led by 46-year-old coach Mike Ditka. They were known for innovating the 4-6 defense, which the Refrigerator was a big part of.

"Chicago" = 46 (Ordinal)

DJ Casper was best known for his song Cha-Cha Slide. which has matching 46 and 62 gematria with Sacrifice, among others.

Cha Cha Slide and Sacrifice both = 73, 46, 55, and 62

The Refrigerator was born on a date with Primary numerology of 109 in ’62:(12) + (16) + (19) + (62) = 109

Yale’s 322nd anniversary falls on 10/9, a date with Primary numerology of 62 and 26:(10) + (9) + (20) + (23) = 62 and (10) + (9) + 2+0+2+3 = 26

Casper = 62 and 26

News of his death made headlines 62 days before Yale’s anniversary:

Perry Jr. was exactly 35 years, 9 weeks old when he released the Cha-Cha Slide:

359 is the 72nd Prime number

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