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Pakistan Airlines Flight 8303 Crashes in Karachi

Pakistan International Airlines passenger flight crashes in Karachi

This crash is heavily-connected to the sacrifice code. Today has Primary numerology of 67:(5) + (22) + (20) + (20) = 67

Total solar eclipse, Blood sacrifice, and human sacrifice all = 67 in Reduction

Pakistan International Airlines was founded on October 29th, 1946, meaning that as of today, the company is 73 years, 206 days old:73 Years, 206 Days

Sacrifice = 73 English and 206 Jewish

"Solar eclipse" = 73 (Reverse Reduction)

Today is also 206 days before the 2020 total solar eclipse:

The site of the crash, Karachi, Pakistan, has matching gematria with eclipse sacrifice:

Karachi, Pakistan and Eclipse sacrifice both = 142 and 101

Furthermore, today is 22 weeks, 6 days before the airlines’ next anniversary. It’s also the 622nd day of President Arif Alvi’s term.

"Sacrifice" = 226 (English Extended)

“13 / 33” Sacrifice Code

Whenever we’re talking about the sacrifice code, it usually always involves the number 33.

Thirty-three & Ritual human sacrifice both = 895 in Jewish gematria

Pakistan International Airlines sums to 330:

"Pakistan International Airlines" = 330 (English Ordinal)

The plane crashed in Karachi.

"Karachi" = 33 (Full Reduction)

Another significant number of sacrifice is 13.

"Human sacrifice" = 130 (English Ordinal)"Ritual human sacrifice" = 103 (Single Reduction)

"לְהַקְרִיב (Sacrifice)" = 347 (Hebrew Gematria) "Thirteen" = 347 (Jewish)

Flight PK8303 sums to 103. The 13th Prime number is 41.

Flight PK 8303 = 103 and 141, PK 8303 = 41 Ordinal and Reverse

The crash occurred a span of exactly 10 months, 3 weeks after the last total soalr eclipse, on a date with Reduced numerology of 13:5 + 2+2 + 2+0+2+0 = 13

“99” Riddle

The number 13 is the only one with Ordinal gematria of 99.

"Thirteen" = 99 (English Ordinal)

The President of Pakistan is Arif Alvi, who is Pakistan’s 13th President. He was sworn in on the date September 9th, written 9/9.

Today is 99 days before Arif Alvi’s next birthday:

It’s said that 99 passengers were on board:

"Karachi, PK" = 990 (Reverse English Sumerian)

Today’s crash falls a span of 9 months, 9 days after Pakistan’s Independence Day:

Flight Number 8303

Arif Alvi is a span of 8 months, 3 weeks, 3 days after his birthday. The flight that crashed was PK 8303.

This Pakistani Airlines crash occurred 3308 days after Osama bin Laden was allegedly killed in Pakistan:

Arif Alvi was born a span of 3 years, 38 days before Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Imran Khan:

Today’s date leaves 223 days in the year:

"Masonic" = 223 (Jewish)

Today is 2 months, 23 days before Pakistan’s Independence Day:

223 is the 48th Prime number

"Karachi" = 48 (Reverse Reduction)

Last year’s total eclipse fell on a date with 48 numerology, and it left 182 days on the calendar:(7) + (2) + (20) + (19) = 48 and July 2nd leaves 182 days in the year

"Karachi, PK" = 182 (Jewish)

Arif Alvi has been in office for a span of exactly 1 year, 8 months, 2 weeks:

Karachi, PK and Arif Alvi both = 78, 42, and 57

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