Fountains of Wayne Singer Adam Schlesinger Dies @ 52
CNN’s headline sums to 629 in the alphabetic order.
There is some conflicting info on the date Adam Schlesinger died, but one of those dates is March 31st, which is exactly 629 months after he was born:
Schlesinger reportedly passed away after a short battle with Covid-19. In Ordinal, Adam sums to 19 and Schlesinger sums to 119.
The 19th Prime number is 67
Schlesinger was born in the year ’67
The 67th Prime number is 331
His date of passing was 3/31
One of the main symptoms of Covid-19 is a really high fever. Isn’t it strange that in 2015, Schlesinger joined a band name Fever High?
Schlesinger also wrote the song “That Thing You Do!” from the 1996 film starring Tom Hanks, who was intriguingly the first celebrity diagnosed with coronavirus.
News of Schlesinger’s death was published yesterday, April 1st, which some outlets are reporting to be the date he died. Either way, he was 153 days after his birthday (or a span of 154) when he passed away on April Fool’s Day:
Schlesinger shares 56 Reduction gematria with coronavirus and April first.
He was also in a band called Ivy
His full name sums to 223, just like novel coronavirus in Ordinal.
He died on the 92nd day of a leap year:
Sun / Eclipse Code
In Reverse, his full name sums to 317.
317 is the 66th Prime number
This is the Ordinal value of corona.
Notice the value of 224 in Jewish gematria. This is the Reverse value of Fountains of Wayne.
His death fell 224 days after the anniversary of the Great American eclipse:
There will be a second Great American eclipse in the year 2024. Schlesinger died 4 years, 7 days before that one:
Coronavirus was declared a National Emergency by Trump on 13/03.
This number is significant, as it ties into the 1331 code, which is very significant for the virus. Notice how both 133 and 331 sum to 1331.
The third and only other number to sum to 1331 in Jewish gematria is 393. This is the value of Adam Schlesinger in this same cipher.
Today is 39 weeks, 3 days after the most recent total solar eclipse:
His name also sums to 1,393 in English Extended. The corona is the atmosphere of the Sun and the only time it is visible is during a total solar eclipse. Notice how his full name sums to 704 just like total solar eclipse.